VibeGAMES game servers

VibeGAMES game servers

Our servers are delivered in seconds so you can be up and running in no-time!

--- DDoS protection ---- CPU overclocked (4.4Ghz+) --- 24/7 online --- Instant delivery --- Great support ---


control2.pngEasy to use control panel

We are offering a clean and easy control panel for our game hosting, with all the feature you need.

Some of our features:

FTP loginConsole input
Browser file managementRestart your server
Subuser loginScheduled command
Create databaseesScheduled power action

ddos.pngDDoS protection

Our network at all our locations is protected by enterprise DDoS protection to ensure that your server stays online, even during an attack.

All our VPS servers have DDoS protection. With this package you are protected against every DDoS attack. You can even set custom firewall rules to protect it even better.

i9.pngThe best specifications

All our servers are equipped with the latest Intel or AMD game CPU's. In comparison to a Xeon processor, the clock speeds are alot higher. This makes the single-core performance much better.

We also use NVMe SSD storage in all our servers instead of old HDD storage. Because of this the storage performance is over 10 times higher with read/write speeds up to 2GB/s.