There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 737 times. The last Post () by Ki1Lu.

  • Hello,

    I've been banned ( i guess) while playing on the SD server, after several questionable kills and killcams, and out of frustration, i wrote a toxic message in the chat directed to the (in my opinion) suspicious player, and now every time i try to connect to the server it drops me back to the main menu with a "server disconnected" message in the middle.

    Just courious, how long the ban is for, and/or is it possible to discuss this issue. I mean, it's not that big of a community, i'm sure we can talk things through in a friendly respectful way.

    Kind Regards


    • Official Post


    Please provide us with the following information so that we can identify the ban in question.

    1. Nickname when you were banned?
    2. When were you banned?
    3. Reason for the ban?
    4. Do you see a ban request that suits you here in the forum?

    We need this information to be able to help you.

    Furthermore I ask you to open a thread in the appropriate forum "Ban request" or "Unban request" with the necessary information.

    Best regards


  • Ki1Lu

    Closed the thread.
  • Ki1Lu

    Added the Label SOLVED

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